Information and tutorials

Want to know how to do something? How can you research a niche? How do you make a cover in Canva? Find the answers to these and other questions here. Watch the videos and if you have any questions, you’re welcome to join our Facebook group where we frequently answer and offer help. There are many more tutorials and informative videos on my YouTube channel.

Keyword research

KDP Niche Research on Amazon

Niches for quarter 4

Top 5 KDP niches

KDP keyword research

Niche research for Quarter 4

Canva tutorials

How to make your copyright page

Make a Would you Rather book

Make a book cover in Canva

Make a colouring book in Canva

Make a Pinterest pin in Canva

Make a Pinterest pin in Canva easily

Tutorials and information

Tools for niche research

Format your description with html

Fill in the 7 backend keyword slots

Tangent templates listing helper

Title and subtitle explained